(stills from "Let There Be Rock" 1977 video)
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Monday, February 14, 2011
Legendary Godzilla Fights
Godzilla vs King Kong
Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla
Godzilla vs Orga
Godzilla vs Mothra
Godzilla vs Destroyah
Godzilla vs Gigan
Godzilla vs King Ghidorah (#1)
Long Live Gojira!
February Playlist
- AC/DC - Shoot to Thrill
- Barry De Vorzon - Baseball Furies Chase (The Warriors Soundtrack)
- Black Sabbath - The Wizard
- Black Sabbath - Gypsy
- Blue Oyster Cult - (Don't Fear) The Reaper
- Blue Oyster Cult - Cities on Flame with Rock & Roll
- Blue Oyster Cult - Burnin' For You
- Boney M - Sunny
- The Changcuters - Suka-Suka
- Chromeo - Fancy Footwork (Guns n' Bombs Remix)
- Dead Kennedys - Holiday in Cambodia
- Dead Kennedys - I Fought the Law
- The Drums - Let's Go Surfing
- Elvis Presley - Promised Land
- Gorillaz - Dirty Harry
- Josh Groban - You Are Loved (Don't Give Up)
- Keane - Everybody's Changing
- Kid Cudi - Day and Nite
- Kid Cudi ft MGMT & Ratatat - Pursuit of Happiness
- The Killers - Spaceman
- The Killers - A Dustland Fairytale
- The Killers - ¡Happy Birthday Guadalupe!
- KISS -Rock and Roll All Nite (Live)
- KISS - God of Thunder
- KISS - Strutter
- KISS - Love Gun
- Metallica - For Whom the Bell Tolls
- Mew - Introducing Palace Prayers
- Mew - Reprise
- MGMT - It's Working
- MGMT - Flash Delirium
- MGMT - Congratulations
- MGMT - Time to Pretend
- MGMT - Electric Feel
- MGMT - Kids
- Mika - We Are Golden
- Mika ft. RedOne - Kick Ass
- Muse - Knights of Cydonia
- My Chemical Romance - NaNaNa
- My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay
- The Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop
- The Ramones - Beat On The Brat
- The Ramones - Rock N Roll High School
- Rush - Tom Sawyer
- Van Halen - Everybody Wants Some
- The Who - Baba O' Reilly
- Wolfmother - Pilgrim
- Wolfmother - California Queen
- Wolfmother - Sundial
- Wolfmother - Far Away
Sunday, February 13, 2011
BCB, 13 February 2011
Started from my home, then we just launched to BHP, our finest place to hang out
Brian and the Bottle Genie, Rudy
Yandri, ex MCB
We played basketball
With some fanatic supporters watching
Rudy at his best
Ketoprak hunting
God of Thunder
The sexiest boy on earth, girls must have him, by the way.
Jimi Hendrix or something....
We Are BCB!
Our Motto Is: No Homo, BCB Only
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Apakah Anda Seorang Psikopat?
Mari tes diri Anda apakah Anda seorang psikopat dengan memperhatikan ciri-ciri sebagai berikut secara saksama :
- Sering berbohong, fasih dan dangkal. Psikopat seringkali pandai melucu dan pintar bicara, secara khas berusaha tampil dengan pengetahuan di bidang sosiologi, psikiatri, kedokteran, psikologi, filsafat, puisi, sastra, dan lain-lain. Seringkali pandai mengarangcerita yang membuatnya positif, dan bila ketahuan berbohong mereka tak peduli dan akan menutupinya dengan mengarang kebohongan lainnya dan mengolahnya seakan-akan itu fakta.
- Egosentris dan menganggap dirinya hebat.
- Tidak punya rasa sesal dan rasa bersalah. Meski kadang psikopat mengakui perbuatannya namun ia sangat meremehkan atau menyangkal akibat tindakannya dan tidak memiliki alasan untuk peduli.
- Senang melakukan pelanggaran dan bermasalah perilaku di masa kecil.
- Sikap antisosial di usia dewasa.
- Kurang empati. Bagi psikopat memotong kepala ayam dan memotong kepala orang, tidak ada bedanya.
- Psikopat juga teguh dalam bertindak agresif, menantang nyali dan perkelahian, jam tidur larut dan sering keluar rumah.
- Impulsif dan sulit mengendalikan diri. Untuk psikopat tidak ada waktu untuk menimbang baik-buruknya tindakan yang akan mereka lakukan dan mereka tidak peduli pada apa yang telah diperbuatnya atau memikirkan tentang masa depan. Pengidap juga mudah terpicu amarahnya akan hal-hal kecil, mudah bereaksi terhadap kekecewaan, kegagalan, kritik, dan mudah menyerang orang hanya karena hal sepele.
- Tidak mampu bertanggung jawab dan melakukan hal-hal demi kesenangan belaka.
- Manipulatif dan curang. Psikopat juga sering menunjukkan emosi dramatis walaupun sebenarnya mereka tidak sungguh-sungguh. Mereka juga tidak memiliki respon fisiologis yang secara normal diasosiasikan dengan rasa takut seperti tangan berkeringat, jantung berdebar, mulut kering, tegang, gemetar -- bagi psikopat hal ini tidak berlaku. Karena itu psikopat seringkali disebut dengan istilah "dingin".
- Hidup sebagai parasit karena memanfaatkan orang lain untuk kesenangan dan kepuasan dirinya.
Lima tahap mendiagnosis psikopat
- Mencocokan kepribadian pasien dengan 20 kriteria yang ditetapkan Prof. Hare. Pencocokkan ini dilakukan dengan cara mewawancara keluarga dan orang-orang terdekat pasien, pengaduan korban, atau pengamatan prilaku pasien dari waktu ke waktu.
- Memeriksa kesehatan otak dan tubuh lewat pemindaian menggunakan elektroensefalogram, MRI, dan pemeriksaan kesehatan secara lengkap. Hal ini dilakukan karena menurut penelitian gambar hasil PET (positron emission tomography) perbandingan orang normal, pembunuh spontan, dan pembunuh terencana berdarah dingin menunjukkan perbedaan aktivitas otak di bagian prefrontal cortex yang rendah. Bagian otak lobus frontal dipercaya sebagai bagian yang membentuk kepribadian.
- Wawancara menggunakan metode DSM IV (The American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder versi IV) yang dianggap berhasil untuk menentukan kepribadian antisosial.
- Memperhatikan gejala kepribadian pasien. Biasanya sejak usia pasien 15 tahun mulai menunjukkan tanda-tanda gangguan kejiwaan
- Melakukan psikotes. Psikopat biasanya memiliki IQ yang tinggi.
What is What is A Psychopath?
Psychopaths cannot be understood in terms of antisocial rearing or development. They are simply morally depraved individuals who represent the "monsters" in our society. They are unstoppable and untreatable predators whose violence is planned, purposeful and emotionless. The violence continues until it reaches a plateau at age 50 or so, then tapers off.
Their emotionlessness reflects a detached, fearless, and possibly dissociated state, revealing a low-state autonomic nervous system and lack of anxiety. It's difficult to say what motivates them - control and dominance possibly - since their life history will usually show no long-standing bonds with others nor much rhyme to their reason (other than the planning of violence).
They tend to operate with a grandiose demeanor, an attitude of entitlement, an insatiable appetite, and a tendency toward sadism. Fearlessness is probably the prototypical (core) characteristic (the low-fear hypothesis). It's helpful to think of them as high-speed vehicles with ineffective brakes.
Certain organic (brain) disorders and hormonal imbalances mimic the state of mind of a psychopath.
There are four (4) different subtypes of psychopaths. The oldest distinction was made by Cleckley back in 1941 between primary and secondary.
PRIMARY PSYCHOPATHS do not respond to punishment, apprehension, stress, or disapproval. They seem to be able to inhibit their antisocial impulses most of the time, not because of conscience, but because it suits their purpose at the time. Words do not seem to have the same meaning for them as they do for us. In fact, it's unclear if they even grasp the meaning of their own words, a condition that Cleckley called "semantic aphasia." They don't follow any life plan, and it seems as if they are incapable of experiencing any genuine emotion.
SECONDARY PSYCHOPATHS are risk-takers, but are also more likely to be stress-reactive, worriers, and guilt-prone. They expose themselves to more stress than the average person, but they are as vulnerable to stress as the average person. (This suggests that they are not "fully psychopathic." This may be due to distinctive genetic variations.)
They are daring, adventurous, unconventional people who began playing by their own rules early in life. They are strongly driven by a desire to escape or avoid pain, but are unable to resist temptation. As their anxiety increases toward some forbidden object, so does their attraction to it. They live their lives by the lure of temptation. Both primary and secondary psychopaths can be subdivided into:
DISTEMPERED PSYCHOPATHS are the kind that seem to fly into a rage or frenzy more easily and more often than other subtypes. Their frenzy will resemble an epileptic fit. They are also usually men with incredibly strong sex drives, capable of astonishing feats of sexual energy, and seemingly obsessed by sexual urges during a large part of their waking lives. Powerful cravings also seem to characterize them, as in drug addiction, kleptomania, pedophilia, any illicit or illegal indulgence. They like the endorphin "high" or "rush" off of excitement and risk-taking. The serial-rapist-murderer known as the Boston Strangler was such a psychopath.
CHARISMATIC PSYCHOPATHS are charming, attractive liars. They are usually gifted at some talent or another, and they use it to their advantage in manipulating others. They are usually fast-talkers, and possess an almost demonic ability to persuade others out of everything they own, even their lives. Leaders of religious sects or cults, for example, might be psychopaths if they lead their followers to their deaths. This subtype often comes to believe in their own fictions. They are irresistible.
Sociopaths have always existed in varying form and to various degrees. They have been known by various titles. They have been studied using various techniques, and through the years their ailment has been blamed on various causes. But one thing never varies: all sociopaths share three common characteristics. They are all very egocentric individuals with no empathy for others, and they are incapable of feeling remorse or guilt. [The Sociopath Rebecca Horton (April 1999)]
While the psychopath has likes and dislikes and fondness for the pleasures that human company can bring, analysis shows that he is completely egocentric, valuing others only for their enhancement of his own pleasure or status. While he gives no real love, he is quite capable of inspiring love of sometimes fanatical degree in others.
He is generally superficially charming and often makes a striking impression as possessed of the noblest of human qualities. He makes friends easily, and is very manipulative, using his ability with words to talk his way out of trouble. Many psychopaths love to be admired and bask in the adulation of others.
With the lack of love, there is also a lack of empathy. The psychopath is unable to feel sorry for others in unfortunate situations or put himself in another's place, whether or not they have been harmed by him.
For Your Info
MGMT is gonna rock Jakarta on Saturday, 26 March 2011. At Bengkel Night Park, Jakarta, Indonesia.
My Favorite Singles :
Time to Pretend (from the album: Time to Pretend)
Kids (from the album: Time to Pretend)
Electric Feel (from the album: Time to Pretend)
It's Working (from the album: Congratulations)
Congratulations (from the album: Congratulations)
Siberian Breaks (from the Album: Congratulations)
Time to Pretend (from the album: Time to Pretend)
Kids (from the album: Time to Pretend)
Electric Feel (from the album: Time to Pretend)
It's Working (from the album: Congratulations)
Congratulations (from the album: Congratulations)
Siberian Breaks (from the Album: Congratulations)
Official site:http://www.whoismgmt.com/us/home
Effects of Caffeine
The following effects are commonly attributed to over-use of caffeine - while reading them bear in mind that what is true for one person may not be true for someone else:
1. Stimulates your heart, respiratory system, and central nervous system.
2. Makes your blood more `sludgy' by raising the level of fatty acids in the blood.
3. Causes messages to be passed along your nervous system more quickly
4. Stimulates blood circulation
5. Raises blood pressure
6. Causes your stomach to produce more acid
7. Irritates the stomach lining
8. Makes digestion less effective by relaxing the muscles of your intestinal system
9. Its diuretic effect caused increased urination - although you would have have to drink about 8 coups of coffee in one sitting for this to occur (1)
10. Stimulates the cortex of your brain heightening the intensity of mental activity. This can result in a temporary feeling of alertness and, in the short term, banishes drowsiness and feelings of fatigue. In those who already have high levels of anxiety the heightened intensity of mental activity can produce unpleasant effects. But check out (2) belowwhich contradicts this.
11. Affects the length and quality of sleep. Heavy caffeine users suffer from sleep-deprivation because their nervous system is too stimulated to allow them deep, restful or prolonged sleep.
12. The American Medical Journal has reported a correlation between caffeine and decreased bone density or osteoporosis in women.
In addition to the above effects prolonged or very heavy caffeine use can produce the following:
13. `Caffeine nerves' a jittery feeling with shaking hands, palpitations, and wobbliness in the legs.
14. Caffeine addiction which involves nervousness, irritability, agitation, headaches or ringing in the ears.
15. Causes your adrenal glands to release their hormones into your bloodstream
16. Causes blood sugar, or blood glucose, to be released from storage through the effects of the adrenal hormones. This gives you a temporary lift but…
17. …requires your pancreas to over-work. This is because your pancreas now has to produce extra insulin to reduce this extra blood sugar. Once the extra insulin has 'mopped up' the extra blood sugar your temporary lift from the caffeine ends. Your vitality level is back to normal. However in heavy caffeine users the pancreas, in time, becomes over-sensitive and over-zealous. Now it begins producing too much insulin – it 'mops up' not just the excess blood sugar but the blood sugar you need to feel alert and energetic. The initial effect of this is a let-down effect and a craving for more caffeine to give you a further boost. A later effect can be excessive and chronic tiredness, even on waking in the morning. Some people find that many of the psychological complaints common to reactive hypoglycaemia (the emotional yo-yo effect, shakiness, palpitations, weakness, tiredness, etc.) disappear within a few days of stopping caffeine.
NOTE: The fact that caffeine can produce these sensations and symptoms does not mean that it is the 'only' cause of such symptoms. But if you experience similar symptoms and your medical advisor confirms that they do not have a verifiable organic cause then you may wish to cut out caffeine for a few weeks to see if the symptoms reduce or disappear.
Read more: http://www.pe2000.com/caffeine.htm#ixzz1Dk2PmU78
KISS Psycho Circus Action Figure
Gene Simmons: The Demon w/ Ringmaster
Paul Stanley: The Starbearer w/ Jester
Ace Frehley: The Celestial w/ Stiltman
Peter Criss: King of Beasts w/ Animal Wrangler
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